RantRadio Industrial
industrial electronica for your mind
RantRadio Industrial

Welcome to the new RantRadio Industrial site!

Streaming the best Industrial, Synthpop, EBM found anywhere since 1999.

RantRadio Industrial Schedule

Streaming the best Industrial shows found anywhere since 1999. Listen to the Industrial stream 24/7 or tune in to your favorite RantRadio DJs.

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RantRadio Industrial Artists

We play Industrial Electronic music. It doesn't matter if you're known worldwide or not, if you're good, you go in rotation. If you're in a band and would like to get played, check out our FAQ on getting in rotation!

RantRadio Industrial has obtained permission to play music released under the following labels: Metropolis Records, A Different Drum, CyberWare, Alfa-Matrix Records, Van Richter Records, Dependent Records, WTII Records, Mementomateria Records, Nilaihah and more!



Monday 9:00AM PDT (2 hrs)
(Hosts: DJTwentyThree & Phranque / Location: New Castle, Delaware USA)

A weekly show spun by two different dj's every other week . Dj's 23 and Phranque spin all the new EBM and it's subgenras . Every so often you could catch a classic dance track not from this decade or just a track you have never heard . With DJ 23 you will hear all the harsh volitile tracks set to destroy any venue with a dash of more pop EBM , it has been said 23 has the largest anthology of industrial/EBM within his home city . dj phranque spins all the straight ahead clean cut beats of EBM , DJ phranque has some of the cleanest mixes and blends within his home town . The two have spun numerous events in the US as well as various festivals . one thing is certain , it can get very unpredictable. Also there may be some spontanious band interviews during the show . So tune in and keep an eye on the setlists.

Monday 7:00PM PDT (1 hr Rebroadcast from Friday)
(Host: Null0x / Location: Kingston, Ontario, Canada)

A weekly live set featuring new and classic tracks in industrial and goth rock.


Tuesday 7:00PM PDT (2 hrs Rebroadcast of Friday's Show)
(Host: Vin K-otic / Location: Los Angeles)

Out of the Los Angeles area "Normality" is a show hosted By Vin K-otic ..... This is where you can hear tomorrows artists today within a party atmosphere .... This show is focused on supporting all unsigned and signed artists, labels, clubs and everyone within our community. Each week Normality presents "Artist Of The Week" which will present upcoming and unreleased material from your favorite artists. So tune in because for us, this is "Normality


Wednesday 10:00AM PDT (2 hrs Rebroadcast of Saturday's Show)
The Invasion
(Hosts: DJ-Chuck_G / Location: Cincinnati Ohio USA)

Join DJ-Chuck_G as he randomly mixes up the best in Industrial, Electro, EBM, Goth, Darkwave, and other assorted beats. Tune in, STOMP ON!

Wednesday 7:00PM PDT (2 hrs Rebroadcast of Saturday's Show)
The Invasion
(Hosts: DJ-Chuck_G / Location: Cincinnati Ohio USA)

Join DJ-Chuck_G as he randomly mixes up the best in Industrial, Electro, EBM, Goth, Darkwave, and other assorted beats. Tune in, STOMP ON!


Thursday 7:00PM PDT (2 hrs Pre-Recorded) (Rebroadcast of Monday's Show)
(Hosts: DJTwentyThree & Phranque / Location: New Castle, Delaware USA)

A weekly show spun by two different dj's every other week . Dj's 23 and Phranque spin all the new EBM and it's subgenras . Every so often you could catch a classic dance track not from this decade or just a track you have never heard . With DJ 23 you will hear all the harsh volitile tracks set to destroy any venue with a dash of more pop EBM , it has been said 23 has the largest anthology of industrial/EBM within his home city . dj phranque spins all the straight ahead clean cut beats of EBM , DJ phranque has some of the cleanest mixes and blends within his home town . The two have spun numerous events in the US as well as various festivals . one thing is certain , it can get very unpredictable. Also there may be some spontanious band interviews during the show . So tune in and keep an eye on the setlists.


Friday 7:00PM PDT (1 hr LIVE!)
(Host: Null0x / Location: Kingston, Ontario, Canada)

A weekly live set featuring new and classic tracks in industrial and goth rock.
Friday 8:00PM PDT (2 hrs Pre-Recorded)
(Host: Vin K-otic / Location: Los Angeles)

Out of the Los Angeles area "Normality" is a show hosted By Vin K-otic ..... This is where you can hear tomorrows artists today within a party atmosphere .... This show is focused on supporting all unsigned and signed artists, labels, clubs and everyone within our community. Each week Normality presents "Artist Of The Week" which will present upcoming and unreleased material from your favorite artists. So tune in because for us, this is "Normality


Saturday 8:00PM PDT (2 hrs Pre-Recorded)
The Invasion
(Hosts: DJ-Chuck_G / Location: Cincinnati Ohio USA)

Join DJ-Chuck_G as he randomly mixes up the best in Industrial, Electro, EBM, Goth, Darkwave, and other assorted beats. Tune in, STOMP ON!

Show Schedule
Check when your favorite show is on or check out new shows on RantRadio Industrial!